- Мода
- от 20 ноември 2024
Мечти на скорост – Силия Кунде е комбинация от стил и адреналин, която превръща страстта си в начин на живот.
Какво те оформи като личност, израствайки в Бон, Германия?
Израстването ми в Бон ме направи тази, която съм днес. Имам невероятни родители и сестра, която много ми липсва откакто живея в Маями. Имах красиво и спокойно детство, а амбицията ми да работя и уча усърдно дойде от ценностите, които семейството ми ми предаде. Най-важното нещо не е къде израстваш, а подкрепата и обичта на близките ти. Това ми даде увереност и сила в живота.
Какво те вдъхнови да изучаваш стратегически маркетинг и как Бостънският университет промени възприятията ти за индустрията?
След бакалавърската ми степен исках да се задълбоча в нещо, което наистина ме вълнува, така че избрах специалност маркетинг. Маркетингът за мен е създаване на образи и усещания, които говорят сами за себе си. Обучението в Бостънския университет ми даде солидни основи и безценни знания, които ще ценя цял живот.
Как реши да се насочиш към докторантура в областта на маркетинговата психология и какво ти даде това в кариерата?
Докторантурата ми отне пет и половина години - време, изпълнено с упорит труд. Мотивира ме примерът на дядо ми, който има докторска степен по инженерство. Когато бях дете, баща ми ме научи, че животът е не само да се фокусираш върху далечния връх, а да го изкачваш стъпка по стъпка. Така започнах да си поставям малки, междинни цели, които правеха пътя по-лек, вместо постоянно да гледам към края му.
До момента това не е повлияло пряко на кариерата ми, тъй като току-що завърших. Искам да си дам пространство да обмисля как най-добре да използвам това знание, без да прибързвам. Засега просто се наслаждавам на момента и на факта, че цялата ми отдаденост в образованието и научните изследвания достигна своя връх.
Започнала си да се занимаваш с моделиране на 16 години и си дефилирала на модните седмици в Милано и Берлин. Кои бяха най-запомнящите се моменти?
Европейската модна сцена е елегантна и изискана, поставяйки световните тенденции в лукса и висшата мода. Да участвам в седмиците на модата в Милано и Берлин беше чест и незабравимо изживяване. Модната сцена в Европа е доста различна от тази в САЩ, и съм щастлива, че мога да изпитам и двете! Най-запомнящите се моменти бяха фотосесията ми пред пирамидите в Кайро и видеото пред Айфеловата кула в Париж през нощта — преживявания, които никога няма да забравя.
Какво беше усещането да съчетаеш страстта си към мотоциклетите с моделирането в тази фотосесия?
Беше НЕВЕРОЯТНО! Това беше любимата ми фотосесия досега. Обожавам моделирането и моторите, така че комбинирането им беше сбъдната мечта. Снимахме на уникално място в Ки Бискейн, Маями – изживяване, което ще помня винаги.
Как се зароди страстта ти към мотоциклетите, автомобилите и състезанията?
Страстта ми към мотоциклетите, състезанията и автомобилите със сигурност идва от баща ми, който е голям фен на моторните спортове и често водеше мен и сестра ми на различни състезателни писти в Германия. Дядо ми също беше член на борда на Нюрбургринг — известна писта близо до Бон, където израснах. От малка обичам колите, Формула 1 и състезанията, затова, когато станах достатъчно голяма, взех книжка за мотоциклет — няма нищо по-забавно и вълнуващо от това да караш мотор!
Какво съдържание могат да очакват феновете ти в бъдещия ти канал в YouTube и какво най-много те вълнува да споделиш?
Феновете могат да очакват много мотоциклетно съдържание – забавни и образователни клипове, с най-страхотните мотори! И тъй като живея в един от най-готините градове на всички времена - споделянето на тази страст ще бъде съчетано със сладкия начин на живот, който имаме тук, в Маями.
Как започна като инфлуенсър и какво искаш да предадеш на своята аудитория?
Започнах с Instagram, а когато започнах да публикувам съдържание за мотоциклета си в TikTok, последователите ми бързо се увеличиха. Това привлече и повече аудитория в Instagram, а после ме насърчиха да създам и YouTube канал. Като цяло целта ми е да споделям добро настроение и забавление, защото вярвам, че животът е твърде кратък, за да не сме щастливи. Затова моите последователи могат да разчитат на позитивно и развлекателно съдържание от мен!
Какви са амбициите ти за следващия етап в кариерата – в маркетинга и моделирането?
Стремя се към още по-големи и вълнуващи предизвикателства, но най-вече съм благодарна за всичко, което постигнах до момента. Желанието ми е да продължа да правя това, което обичам, с вярата, че когато влагаш сърце в работата си, добрите неща неминуемо идват.
Къде виждаш развитието на твоята марка в света на моторните спортове, модата и отвъд?
Надявам се да продължа да правя това, което обичам, и да развивам своя бранд чрез страстта си към моторите. Ще бъде привилегия да създавам съдържание, което вдъхновява и обединява хората около модата и моторните спортове.
How did growing up in Bonn, Germany, shape your interests and career path?
Growing up in Bonn, Germany set the foundation that shaped me into the person I am today. I have the most amazing parents in the world and the best sister who I miss very much since I live in Miami. I had a beautiful and sheltered childhood in Bonn and my ambitions to work and study hard came through the values my parents conveyed to me throughout my whole life. I think the most important thing in life is not where you grow up but the family and their love that you have which is forever. This gave me the confidence and strength in my life that I have.
What inspired you to study strategic marketing management, and how did Boston University influence your perspective on the industry?
After my undergrad I wanted to study something that really had my interest and that I knew I would always be keen and motived to continue learning so I chose a marketing major. Because marketing for me is a lot of fun and I love the fact that it is all about creating an imagine in the heads of the customer and that the best marketing doesn't feel like marketing. This is a very powerful thing! For me Boston University had the most interesting and state of the art curriculum. I have learned so much during my time there which I will always appreciate.
Earning a PhD in marketing psychology is a significant accomplishment—what motivated you to pursue it, and how has it impacted your career?
My PhD took me 5.5 years, so it was a very long journey. What really motivated me was my grandfather who also earned a PhD in engineering. When I was a child, my dad told me life is not always just looking how far the top of the mountain is away but taking life step by step. I always remembered his advice and set myself intermediate goals and milestones that made it easier than looking at the long road ahead. So far it hasn't impacted on my career because I just graduated. I know it is a lifetime accomplishment which I am very proud of, and I still need some time to process that. I want to take my time to think about how to make use of it and not rush. For now, I am just enjoying the moment that I graduated and that all my time and dedication throughout my path in education and scientific research reached the pinnacle.
You started modeling at 16 and have walked at Milan and Berlin Fashion Week. What were some of your most memorable experiences in the European fashion scene?
The European fashion scene is very elegant and sophisticated, emphasizing luxury and haute couture. It is amazing, very unique and sets trends for the whole world. Hence walking at Milan and Berlin fashion week was an unforgettable experience and it is an honor for every model to be part of it so I enjoyed it very much. The fashion scene is very different in Europe than in the US. So I am very happy to experience both of it! The most memorable experiences I had was a photo shoot in Cairo in in front of the pyramids and a video production in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris at night which were both breathtaking locations and moments I will never forget.
What was it like combining your passion for motorcycles with modeling in this recent photoshoot?
It was SO COOL! That was probably my favorite photo shoot of all times. I love modeling and I love motorcycles. Combining both of my passions was incredibly awesome! I had so much fun, the team was amazing, the bikes were fire and we had the perfect location in Miami, Key Biscayne. I will never forget this day and I enjoyed every second of it :)
Motorcycles, racing, and cars are unique interests! What sparked your passion for them?
My passion for motorcycles, racing and cars definitely came from my Dad. He is a big motorsports enthusiast and always took my sister and me when we were younger to different racing tracks in Germany. Also my grandfather was one of the board members of the Nürburgring, a famous racing track in Germany close to Bonn where I grew up. I have always loved cars, formula 1 and racing. So when I was old enough I decided to get my motorcycle licenses because there is nothing cooler and more fun than riding a motorcycle!!!
What type of content can fans expect on your upcoming motorcycle YouTube channel, and what excites you most about sharing your Miami lifestyle?
My followers can expect all kinds of motorcycle content. It will be fun content as well as educational content but most important they will see the coolest bikes! They will see and feel my passion for motorcycles and since I live in one of the coolest cities ever, sharing this passion will be combined with the sweet lifestyle we have here in Miami. Miami is such a fun and unique city and to experience it on a bike is even better!!!
How did you get started as a social media influencer, and what do you hope to communicate to your audience through your content?
I started with Instagram. When I started posting content about my motorcycle on Tik Tok, I had a lot of followers in a short period of time. This also increased my audience on Instagram. My followers constantly asked me about a YouTube channel, so I am finally starting this as well! In general, I want to communicate good vibes and fun content. The world is tough enough and my attitude towards life is that life is too short not to be happy or have a good time. My followers can always be sure if they watch my channel to see positive and fun content and good vibes!
Social Media can be a powerful tool for self-expression. How has it allowed you to connect with others who share your interests in fashion and motorsports?
Social Media was and is very significant for that. I know there is a lot of criticism about social media, but I really think that we are living in a world where social media opens endless opportunities, it gives you the chance to connect instantly with your audience and build a solid network to collaborate and cooperate. Some of the most awesome opportunities I got were through social media. It is a very powerful platform to build a community and your personal brand. Nobody has business cards anymore these days. Your business card is your social media.
Your favorite foods are baklava and arepas! What makes these two your favorites, and do you have any other favorite treats?
Yes! I love baklava and arepas. I have a sweet tooth; hence, I love all kinds of desserts but especially baklava. Since I live in Miami and with all the Latin American influence and cuisine, I love arepas! My other favorite treats are all kinds of German chocolate, because it is so good as well as the cheesecake my mom always makes because it is the best and my mom is the best!
If you could describe your ideal day in Miami, from modeling to motorcycles, what would it look like?
My ideal day in Miami would be waking up early and watching the sunrise at the beach which I regularly do because it grounds you and makes you start the day off so much better. Then I would go to a yoga or Pilates class, have a healthy breakfast and then ride on my motorcycle to my agency or a photo shoot or casting. The ideal day would include a photo shoot with a motorcycle and super cool outfits like we did for this magazine. I couldn't ride my motorcycle to the location of the photo shoot because I had my hair and make-up done but I did ride a motorcycle during the photo shoot. That was so cool and so much fun so that was perfect as well! I enjoyed it so much! That was an ideal day! Literally perfect! I could do that for the rest of my life literally every day.
What are your aspirations for the next phase of your career, both in marketing and modeling?
My aspirations for the next phase of my career are of course always bigger and better! But in general I really should say that I am more than thankful for all the opportunities I had in Miami, that I never thought I would get, which shaped my career significantly! So my motivation and aspiration is to keep on doing what I love and I am passionate about. I believe if you do that with all your heart good things and opportunities will always come to you :)
Where do you hope to see your influence and brand grow in the world of motorsports, fashion, or even beyond?
That's a great question! I hope that I can keep doing what I love in terms of modeling because I really love what I do! I hope to expand my brand through my love for motorcycles and to create the coolest content and share my passion for motorsports and fashion with my followers.
- от 30 октомври 2024